
Sustainability encapsulates CLINUVEL’s responsible approach to the management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks. Building on the detailed ESG statement contained in the 2023 annual report, we summarise here, CLINUVEL’s approach and practices, and how we measure the progress achieved in FY2024.

CLINUVEL's ESG approach & practices

General Detail
Responsible corporate citizenship The ESG Framework covers environmental, social and governance practices and policies, underpinned by the Company's values
Adhere to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact ten principles of sustainability The ten principles cover human rights (2), labour (4), environment (3) and anti‑corruption (1) (see diagram and tables below)
We assess our activities have low direct environmental impact A range of qualitative policies support minimisation of resource use and waste (refer below)
Aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals The Company distributes a quality-assured product with a positive safety record assisting the quality of life of patients with no other treatment options
Social practices and policies consistent with the tenets of the UN Global Compact We champion equal opportunity, diversity, inclusion and people development - refer to social measures below
Active management by Executives and governance by the Board Executives accountable to report monthly to the Board on ESG issues in their area of responsibility
Reviews of key suppliers undertaken on their ESG practices Initiated 1 July 2023; reviews completed to date are acceptable to the Company

United Nations ten principles of sustainability

Human rights

  1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
  2. Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses

Labour standards

  1. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
  2. The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
  3. The effective abolition of child labour
  4. The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation


  1. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
  2. Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
  3. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies


  1. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery


Key areas How we measure progress
Conscious of the human impact on the environment Follow UN Global Compact definition of sustainability
We assess the Company's direct environmental impact is low
  • Less than 100 employees as of 30 June 2024
  • Product manufacturing outsourced
A range of qualitative measures are in place to minimise resource use and waste
  • Responsible product packaging
  • Responsible waste management and materials handling in the laboratory
  • Electronic over paper files – Investor Relations use QR codes for presentations
  • Split home / office working week
  • Executive approval required for travel
Environmental and climate targets not set Targets will be appropriate as the scale of activities increase and planned regulatory reporting applies


Key areas How we measure progress
Responsible corporate citizenship
  • Safety record of SCENESSE® (afamelanotide 16mg) in over 16,000 administrations to EPP patients
  • Regular pharmacovigilance reporting of patient experience to regulators
Clinical testing involving humans, as required to obtain regulatory approval of pharmaceutical products
  • Adhere to OECD Testing Guidelines and principles of Good Laboratory Practices
  • Privacy of study participants maintained
  • Ethics committees approve studies
  • PhotoCosmetic products tested on humans only
Clinical testing involving non-humans
  • Adhere to OECD Replacement, Reduction and Refinement Principles
  • Laboratories used meet international standards and certifications
Facilitate a safe working environment
  • CLINUVEL's premsies are high quality and designed to enable active interation and collaboration
Facilitate a positive working environment
  • Competitive performance-based remuneration and employment benefits
  • HR policies support employee well-being, with leave for illness, including stress and post-menopausal care, maternity, paternity and family care
Respect human rights
  • Support freedom of association and binary / non-binary designation
Equal opportunity and people development
  • Policy of no tolerance in relation to discrimination
  • Focus on career development through Individual Development Plans (all employees) and advanced development through the CLINUVEL Academy
Leader in diversity – refer FY2024 metrics
  • Gender: Female / Male quotient (%): All employees (69/31%); Executives (Top seven excluding MD 57/43%); and Board (including MD 60/40%)
  • Nationalities: 30
  • Linguistics: 63% of employees speak more than one language
  • Age: Generation Z (born 1997-2012) 19%; Generation Y, Millennials (1981-1996) 58%; Generation X (1965-1980) 19%; Baby Boomers (1946-1964) 4%
  • Tenure: % of total employees; Up to 2 years 59%; +2 and up to 5 years 25%;+5 and up to 10 years 8%; Over 10 years 8%


Key areas How we measure progress
General Board oversight Diligence actively maintained
Monthly reporting to Board Achieved FY2024
HR Policies Govern behaviours and have supported positive, productive relationships in FY2024
Code of Conduct and Corporate Values Emphasise honesty and integrity; Nil breaches reported FY2024
Bribery & Corruption Policy prohibits illicit behaviour No instances of corruption in FY2024
Whistleblower Policy No reports or need to protect against reprisals in FY2024
Public disclosure of payments to health professionals Practised in all jurisdictions; signatory of Disclosure UK